
Transform Spaces
into Works of Art

Our team of expert designers works closely with clients to create unique, functional and beautiful spaces
that are tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Archipix is a team of experienced architects and interior designers

who are passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces. We believe that good design should be accessible to everyone, and we work hard to make sure that our client's vision become reality.


Project Completed


Qualified Team


Client Satisfaction


Year of Experience

Architectural Design

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description

Interior Design

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description

Project Management

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description

Historic Preservation

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description

Landscape Design

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description

Furniture Remodel

The core identity reflects consistent associations with the brand whereas the extended identity involves the intricate details of the brand that help generate a constant motif.

Image Description
Our Feature Work
Our Feature Work

What Our Clients
Are Saying

How it Works


Initial Consultation

Maecenas fermentum maximus dui aliquet mollis. Suspendisse leo lorem, tincidunt dictum interdum eu, fringilla non orci. Duis condimentum leo sit amet massa imperdiet.


Design Concept

Praesent eget eros eget nisl lacinia pretium. Phasellus mi ligula, luctus quis leo ac, efficitur aliquet nulla. Sed vehicula, tellus ut volutpat finibus, ex sem.



Phasellus at lobortis nisi, sed sollicitudin diam. Vivamus fringilla sit amet eros in hendrerit. Fusce cursus interdum risus, et lacinia mi ultrices ac. Morbi quis.


Final Work-Through

Vestibulum vitae consequat enim. Nam ac massa ac risus convallis fringilla eu varius nunc. Phasellus congue sodales est, ut condimentum mi efficitur id. In euismod.


Follow Up

Etiam ornare mauris eros, sed molestie turpis vulputate nec. Nam porta, magna at posuere tincidunt, dolor tellus viverra orci, faucibus tristique nunc ante vel enim.

Our Team

Mark Wood

[Project Manager]

Natasha Kareem

[Project Manager]

Decan Rice


Patric Evra


Sophie White

[Civil Engineer]

Phil Jhones



Let's start your new
dream project

Contact Us

Design Insight


How to Design a
Sustaintable Home

by Jane Collins

May 1, 2023

Interior Design

The Importance of Lighting
Design in Interior Spaces

by Paul Roberts

June 15, 2023


Creating a Functional
Home Office Space

by Sarah Gomez

August 8, 2023

Welcome to Archipix, a full service architecture and interior design firm. We specialize in creating beautiful, functional spaces that reflect your unique style.